Prayer to God
G.P 48 (ref from Vachnamrut)
Protect me from the 4 types of bad association; Kudapanthi (makes you fall off from 5 Vratman), ShaktiPanthi (encourages you to drink alcohol and eat meat), Shushkvedanti (convinces you that God and his Divine abode has no form)and Nastik ( makes you believe in Karma {action for a reaction})
Hey Maharaj... Kaam (Lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (false/wrong attachment), Ahankar (Pride/ego), Irshya (Jealousy) Deh Abhiman (Self Ego)etc please protect me from all them and give me the association of your devotee (True Devotee)
G.M 66 (ref from Vachnamrut)
Hey Maharaj...Marama je je khotya te krupa karine nash karjo.
Dear Lord please destroy/fix all my mistake/incompleteness {in the path of salvation}.
G.A 39 (ref from Vachnamrut)
Aham-mamtvarup maya thaki raksha karjo ane tamare vishe priti thajyo and ee mayane tarya hoy ne tamare vishe pritivada hoy eva je sadhu teno sang thajyo ane te sadhu ne vishe het ne mahatma thajyo.
Please protect me from bodiy and bodily relation’s. Love and bless me so i can like/love you and also give me the association of the saints (not necesswho have crossed (beyond control of Maya) this maya and loves you, let me start liking them too.

Prayer to Ganeshji
Dear Ganeshji, I know you are the Dearest to God. Please bless me and guide me so that I could perform Bhakti in a similar manner as you and let me be the dearest to God, His holy saints and his devotees as you have always been.
Prayer to Surya Naranyandev
Dear Surya Narayan Dev, when you rise in the morning you bring smile on millions of souls no matter they are good or bad. Please give the ability of NOT seeing any bad in anyone and give me the strength and the ability to perform my spiritual duties such that God and Saints will be smiling at me.

Prayer to Shivji & Devi Parvati
Dear Lord, you are so innocent, kind and merciful. The way you have dis-owned all that God requires and kept Tiger skin as cloths and snakes as your ornaments. Please bless me such that I can dis-own all that God does NOT like. Give me the ability so that I can be like what you are to God, His True Saints and the True Devotees.
Dear Mother the way you are devoted to your husband and ONLY him, please bless me so that I can have the same devotion for my ONE and ONLY God.
Prayer to Hanumanji
Dear Hanumanji, the way you chant and hear Gods name all day long and you are the most common known Demi -God amongst the vast Hindu sect. Please give me a similar ability that I only listen and chant his only name and also let me be in His good books just like.