Once Swami Nishkudanand was passing from the road of Botad. The sheriff of the town saw him, "I am lucky today," thought the sheriff, that I had a darshan of such a great saint. He joined his hands and said, "Swami, please come to my place, take some dinner and then proceed."Swami had to go to other places, but he was helpless before the reverence of a devotee. He went with the sheriff. The sheriff's joy knew no bound. He welcomed the swami warmly. He served sweets to swamiji in the dish. But swamiji was the incarnation of detachment. He had total aversion to worldly pleasures.
His food was the food of the poorest. Everybody knew this. The sheriff himself knew this, but the sheriff thought to serve such a great saint in the best possible manner. So he specially prepared and offered the sweets. On seeing the sweets in his dish, swamiji closed his eyes and sat motionless. Then he said, "O Nishkul, you are a guest of a rich man, you are great. Eat the sweets. Why should you now eat the loaf of the poor? Eat, eat, and be merry." The sheriff heard these words and was greatly stunned. He understood that he had done a great offensce by serving sweets to Swamiji.
He at once fell at the feet of Swamiji and cried, "Oh swamiji, please pardon me. I have done a great mistake." Soon he removed the dish of sweets, and served a loaf and whey to swamiji. Swamiji was pleased and had his lunch.
How simple and tolerant Shriji Maharaj's Saints were. ! The lesson illustrates this fact.